Saturday, October 2, 2010

"The Letter L"

If you haven't figured it out by now, the letter Lorrie of DivineDesignStudios chose was "The Letter L"! This latest illustration will be listed in My Etsy Shop as an authorized art print, size 8"x10"; as well as an ACEO Open Edition, size 2.5"x3.5".   I now have nine letters completed and only seventeen more to go!

And the person who guessed "The Letter L" correctly was Stacy of MagicLoveCrow, this is the second time Stacy has been the first to guess a letter.  So you are all up against some stiff competition!  Stacy has chosen another letter and I am currently happily working on it.

My clue to this new letter is, which letter is common to four months of the yearly calendar?

For now, I am happy to share with you

"The Letter L"

Take care all!


  1. L is for Lovely. You are so on a roll!

    I say "Y" :D

  2. Gorgeous Karen Anne ;o))) Everyone better watch out, because I'm going to be guessing when you post the clue! LOL!!!


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