Thursday, September 30, 2010

"The Letter D"

HeLLo!  I am dee-lighted to present to you "The Letter D"!  This latest illustration will be listed in My Etsy Shop as an authorized art print, size 8"x10"; as well as an ACEO Open Edition, size 2.5"x3.5".   I now have eight letters completed and only eighteen more to go!

Lorrie, of DivineDesignStudios, figured out that I was working on "D" and has happily provided me with the Letter of her choice to now work on.  Can you guess which letter Lorrie chose?  The person who first guesses correctly will have the opportunity to choose the Letter they would like to see illustrated!

Until then, here is

"The Letter D"

Take care all!


  1. Oh wow! I love it! And, I love the colour behind it!!! Thanks for using the red! ;o)

  2. Delighted to hear that Magic Love Crow! Your idea for red worked well, Thanks!

  3. Stacy guessed it again! Stacy, You are WAY too good at guessing my clues! I am working on the Letter "L"! Guess you get to choose again! LOL!
    Karen Anne


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