Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"The Letter T"

Today is Tuesday and what better day to tender "The Letter T"!   I will be listing "T" in My Etsy Shop  today as an Authorized Art Print, size 8"x10"; and also as an Open Edition ACEO, size 2.5"x3.5".

MagicLoveCrow guessed that I was working on "The Letter T" and has graciously provided me with the letter of her choice to work on next!  I really like guessing games and puzzles, so the next person to guess the letter I am now working on will choose the next letter they would like to see completed.

Until then, I plan to have a dandy day Doodling on my next letter!

"The Letter T"

A Dandy Day to all!
Karen Anne


  1. Amazing as always!!! Great job Karen Anne ;o)

  2. Sorry Pam! Lorrie of divinedesignstudios already guessed the correct letter. I am finishing it now and should have it posted sometime later this afternoon at which time you will have a chance to guess the letter Lorrie chose and that I will be illustrating!
    Good luck on your next guess!


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