Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 72

Well, since we already have a Raggedy Ann it would seem appropriate that we include a Raggedy Andy!  Now, in our household .... no one wanted Raggedy Andy in his traditional garb ... my boys want Andy in a football outfit!  So, with some slight pattern adjustments ...  here is Andy in his football togs!


  1. LOL! This is too adorable!!!! Love him! It looks he is going to catch the football soon ;o)

  2. I love how your mind works Stacy ... you always seem to put a story to each and every picture!

  3. Well, either that, or he just got a touch down and he is boogieing ;o) Hugs ;o)

  4. LOL! I should add a goal post and a bouncing football to the sketch!


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