I met my bestest of friends in the entire world back in the early 1980's, up on the Queen Charlotte Islands (now known as Haida Gwaii). She is a one in a million friend and we and our families have grown up with each other. Who would have known that meeting someone in another country could bring so much joy, amusement, laughter and adventures to ones existence ... I sure didn't! But it happened and I am so delighted and grateful that it did.
My dear friend was diagnosed with breast cancer 5 years ago. She had the mastectomy, chemo, radiation and everything looked good! HooRay! Well, things were going good until a few weeks back. Then she went in for an exam, learned "It" was back. In her liver and probably in her bones .... no!
I found out today, from a mutual close friend, that her liver is basically destroyed and the cancer has most probably moved into her bones. She had tried to tell me in a round about way, but I couldn't accept it, I realize now that I was in denial. She told me her doctor's said that "it's quality of life vs. quantity of life" and asked me to come to her soon, in fact sooner than soon because she wants to enjoy our company while she is still "normal" and before she is no longer able.
If she lived in the US it would be sooooo easy ... but she lives in British Columbia. Our passports expired nearly 5 years ago ... we have the renewal process begun but what I want to ask now .... please, "Pray that the process for Jim & Karen works quickly!".... and please pray for quality of life and enjoyment for her.
When her husband died of cancer, we made about 9-10 trips up there to support them in their worst of times. Please offer your prayers so that our passport renewals will take less than the 4-6 week process time so that we can go up to BC to support her.
Your prayers do count and work ...
Take care & God bless,
Karen Anne